Cygnus Wall in Hydrogen-alpha

May 25, 2022

The "Cygnus Wall" in the North America Nebula (NGC 7000, Caldwell 20) in the constellation Cygnus. William Optics GT81 Refractor, Astronomik 6nm Ha filter, ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro monochrome camera. Although not a lot of stars in the field of view, I used Starnet to remove them.  On composition of the Wall: mostly hydrogen with some sulfur, going by imaging data I've seen and collected--across hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen bandpasses. This is an ionization front where the density of the dust and gasses builds until the most concentrated regions collapse to form stars--and because of this, there probably isn't much in the way of heavier elements. Everything captured in this specific image is all within the hydrogen emission line around 656nm. Hydrogen--that stuff is everywhere!