NGC 6888 without stars

May 30, 2023

NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula in Cygnus (stars removed). Apertura 800mm f/4 newtonian, 28 x 300 exposures with the ZWO ASI071MC cooled to -10C, Optolong dual-band l-eXtreme filter with 7nm bandpasses at Ha and OIII, Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount, William Optics 32mm/120mm FL guide scope + ZWO ASI290MM guide camera. The Crescent is close to 5000 lightyears away, about 25 lightyears across at its widest point, roughly 237 trillion kilometers wide (150 trillion miles). The dense clouds of oxygen and hydrogen are lit up with the intense radiation of a central star; the whole structure is expanding and accelerating away energetically, very bright against the velvety bed of ionized hydrogen that spans most of the constellation Cygnus. With the stars removed from the image, NGC 6888 almost looks solid instead of a vast bubble of interstellar gas and dust.